Most common questions
How do I cancel my subscription?
Here is the link to your account page where you can manage all of your subscriptions. Click on "Subscriptions" on the left-hand menu, about halfway down. You can cancel any subscription at any time, but you can also resubscribe, or subscribe to new products, at any time. Just find the subscription you wish to discontinue and click "cancel."
My order "Needs Payment." What does this mean?
Your order was received, but we’re still awaiting payment to fulfill it. This is usually related to product subscriptions with a failed payment. You may need to update your credit or debit card before we can process and ship your order.
To change your Subscription payment method:
- Go to the Subscriptions tab in your Account.
- Click "View" on the subscription item you wish to edit.
- Click on the Edit icon next to "Payment Details"
- Select the existing payment method you wish to use or add add a new card.
- If using an existing payment method, click on it and save your changes. If adding a new payment method, fill out your information and save your changes.
Other questions
How do you handle subscriptions and agreements?
On any qualifying product, click Subscribe & Save 10%, then choose frequency: every 1 month, every 2 months, or every 3 months.
Do subscription orders come with free shipping?
We offer free shipping on every subscription order.
If I cancel a subscription before being charged, how many days before I get charged do I have to do it?
It's possible to cancel up until 24 hours before the billing date. Wait until the next monthly subscription is scheduled instead of skipping the current month's subscription.
Can the billing date for the subscription be changed?
The credit card will be charged at the end of the month, however you may skip that month's charge to the next recurring order month.
Is shipping charged if I purchase products under subscription and/or items that are not under subscription?
Items added without a subscription incur shipping charges under $25.