Clogged vape cartridges result from excess vapor condensing along the walls of the inner cartridge and solidifying into oil, thus blocking the airways.This can be prevented by continually pulling cool air through the cartridge with every puff. The extra amount of air will keep the cartridge clean and clear, preventing blockages in the future. It is the best way to care for your vape products.It can also cause blockage if you pull your vape too hard. Try pulling a bit softer to prevent flooding and blockage.
Why does the taste of my cartridge smell burned?
All of our cartridges are stored and shipped upside down to prevent leaks. Air will surround the cotton wick in many cases as a result. The cartridge must be flipped and primed before the first use, otherwise the cotton will burn before the oil, causing a burnt taste and odor. Burnt flavors and smells should disappear within 15 puffs or so if you do have one.
Do you know what PACT is? What is the PACT Act?
New federal law, the PACT Act, imposes additional requirements on the shipping of vape and tobacco products. We comply with all federal, state, and local laws.
Do vapes ship differently from other items?
As a result of new federal laws regarding vaping products, we will begin shipping vape products via USPS starting in April 2021. As of April 5, 2021, UPS will not transport vaping products to, from, or within the United States due to the increased complexity in shipping those items, we wrote in a recent blog. You can read more here.
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