My husband says it completely took away his nerve pain from his CMT, he was able to sleep through the night with no pain in his feet and calves. He was also in a great mood.
When episodes of random neurologic pain occur, often Tramadol or other medications have little or no effect. Delta 8 oils calm the anxiety and improve the mood by reducing the perception of the pain. And it works consistently.
Yes, delta 8 tinctures are powerful oils that have a buzz. Use them in moderation.
What is a CBD tincture?
A CBD tincture is an all-natural, hemp-derived CBD oil product used for its wellness properties. You can place it under your tongue or mix it with your favorite food or drink.
What are the benefits of delta 10 tinctures?
Delta 10 tinctures are great for energy, focus, and a creative boost. Place it under your tongue or put a few drops in your morning coffee for an extra boost!
Are tinctures safe?
Yes, tinctures are one of the safest way to enjoy your favorite cannabinoids as you can easily control your dose.
What is the difference between an oil and a tincture?
The main difference between oils and tinctures is what medium is used to dilute the extract. In oils, a carrier oil is mixed in with the CBD extract, while in tinctures, the mixture is often alcohol-based.